GentleLASE Laser Head Triple Bore

The GentleLASE laser head with triple bore technology is an advanced laser system used for various dermatological and cosmetic procedures. The laser head is equipped with three separate bores or channels, each delivering a specific wavelength of light for different treatment applications.

The triple bore configuration allows for versatility and effectiveness in treating a wide range of conditions. For example, one bore may emit a 755-nanometer wavelength, which is commonly used for hair removal procedures, targeting melanin in the hair follicles. Another bore may deliver a 1064-nanometer wavelength, suitable for treating vascular lesions and deeper hair follicles. The third bore may emit a 532-nanometer wavelength, often used for superficial pigmented lesions.

By having multiple bores within a single laser head, the GentleLASE system offers practitioners the flexibility to choose the most appropriate wavelength for each patient and specific treatment goal. This technology allows for precise targeting of different chromophores (target molecules) in the skin, maximizing treatment efficacy while minimizing potential side effects.

It’s important to note that the GentleLASE laser head with triple bore technology is a product of Candela Corporation, a leading manufacturer of medical aesthetic devices. This laser system is commonly used in professional medical settings, such as dermatology clinics and cosmetic treatment centers, under the guidance and expertise of trained healthcare professionals.
GentleLASE Laser Head Triple Bore

Post time: Jun-06-2020